Wednesday, July 12, 2017

House Cleaning Hacks And Ways To Save Time Cleaning

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Whether you constantly clean your house all day every day, or if you don’t spend time cleaning at all, you can learn a couple of efficient tricks and save some time by using these house cleaning hacks when the opportunity presents itself! See Positive Med’s innovative ideas in the following post:

House Cleaning Hacks Of The 21st Century

In our very busy day to day life, who has time to clean? It’s better to clean smarter rather than harder! Also, less time cleaning means more time relaxing and doing activities that you enjoy! Below is a list of ways that will help you achieve this goal:

1. Onion Grill Cleaner

grill cleaner

2. Easy Blender Cleaner


3. The Vomit Picker Upper

4. The Broken Glass Magnet

glass cleaning

5. Pillow Case Fan Cleaner

6. Revitalize Your Leather Furniture

leather cleaning

7. Deep Clean Your Dishwasher


8. Kill All The Germs On Your Mattress

9. Is Your Bathtub Ring Getting On Your Nerves? Just Use A Grapefruit

see full post here…

There’s a huge difference in getting something done the quick way and getting something done the smart way. Cleaning your house can be both time consuming and a huge chore if you don’t do it correctly. You can save a significant amount of time and have the same level of quality clean if you utilize these home cleaning hacks by Alex Thomas Sadler!

43 Home Cleaning Hacks To Transform Your Routine!

1. Dryer sheets

Even after they’ve been used, dryer sheets can work magic around your house!

Here are some great uses:

Buff water spots from mirrors, bathroom/kitchen fixtures and shower doors

Remove the ring inside the toilet

Wipe baseboards clean

See more ways to re-use dryer sheets around your house.

2. Tackle a stinky garbage disposal with lemon

Add a fresh scent to the kitchen by cutting up a lemon and running a couple of small slices through the garbage disposal. (This is also a great trick to use just before guests arrive!)

3. Clean the blender

Fill the blender with warm water and a drop of dish soap. Turn it on and let it go for a for a few seconds. Then rinse it out with warm water and you’re all set!

4. Clean your sponge

Sponges can pick up a lot of bacteria, especially if they’re left in the sink. So you want to make sure you clean it frequently.

It’s so easy: just pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds to remove any bacteria! Just wait a minute or two before pulling out since it’ll still be hot.

You can also put your sponge in the dishwasher to get it nice and clean again.

See more house cleaning hacks here

Lastly, this Buzzfeed video shares practical ways to clean with just everyday ingredients you can find in your house.

If these house cleaning hacks just aren’t cutting it and you want a more efficient and quality solution, contact Coronation Cleaning at 604-474-1414 to book an appointment.  

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